I am back! And so is the 365 Project! I browsed through my photos the other day and noticed how perfectly it documented my entire year so far. Really didn't want to miss out on one more day, so I started it up again. June has been crazy with moving across the state and starting a new job, so taking a break from the photos was needed until I got all settled in here. But I'm am ready now! Are you?
Since we work in the Black Hills, we get these cool VIP cards which get us discounts or free admission to most of the sight-seeing, tourist-attraction, cool-stuff around here. So we drove through Bear Country yesterday. It was free and we get to come back as often as we'd like. Quite excited about that. Here are some photos of some of the "wild" animals:
Cute little sleeping wolf. Brian actually shot this photo. I don't think he meant for the subject to be out of focus, but it happened. And I actually like it. A lot. |
Sleepy bear. Yesterday was pretty much the hottest day of the year, so I felt all sad for the bears and their thick fur. They looked miserable. |
This guy reminds me of Chance. Hehe...It's hard for me to believe that bears kill people. They look way too cuddly to be capable of that. |
Cutie-pie. |
Not sure which one of these will be yesterday's photo. Got some decisions to make.
The job is going well. I'm learning a lot and improving every day. A few of the coach drivers and tour directors have complimented me on how I'm coming out of my shell and not being so shy anymore. I see the same 10 (or so) tour directors and drivers on different days, so by the end of the summer they'll be able to look back at my progress. It is exciting feeling like I'm getting better. I think this internship is really giving me some confidence in myself, which is much needed.
Heading home on Sunday for a few days. I'll get to spend my 4th of July with my family, and I could not be more excited. =D Expect tons and tons of photos next week.
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