Behind the Camera
I am recent college grad of graphic design and photography. I "officially" graduated in August, after finishing my internship as a photographer at the Borglum Historical Center in Keystone, SD. (That's just a 2-mile drive down the mountain from Mt. Rushmore. Beautiful little city.)
I was born and raised in small-town South Dakota. I've been told this makes a person "valuable" in the working world because apparently Midwest kids have good morals, or something. I do agree, but I also think that a person's location has nothing to do with their morals - It's all in their life experiences and the WAY they were raised (not the PLACE.) Anyway, I do love it here in SD. The winters are frigid and the summers are scalding, but for those few days in between the extreme seasons, it is worth it.
I live and breathe photography these days. I bought a Nikon D3000 in March, 2010. Since then I've shot way too many photos to count. In January I started my second attempt at a "365 Project. I did it last year, but fell out of the groove after moving across the state and starting a new job. So I'm back at it for 2012! Taking a photo a day has opened my eyes to the possibilities of creativity in everyday life. I can feel myself improving with every shutter release and it is beyond exciting. I hope someday I can share my views of the world WITH the world.
When I'm not shooting photos or designing, I can be found watching TV and movies, cooking semi-healthy meals for myself and my boyfriend, taking road trips to Sioux Falls, reading novels, cleaning my apartment, and eating sugary "so-bad-for-me" foods. I also enjoy traveling, but I don't get to do it too often.
I could not live without music (Can anybody?) My iPod goes everywhere with me and it is full of tunes from Brand New, Kevin Devine, Iron & Wine, Manchester Orchestra, Mumford & Sons, and many others. I have had the very lucky opportunity to meet a few of those guys, and I will never forget their kindness.
I have an incredible family and incredible faith. My support system of family and friends is what keeps me going sometimes. I believe honesty really is the best policy and I value true relationships. I will always be true to myself, no matter what.
Just meeee. |
Hanging out with my pals, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor while aboard the Queen Mary. |
Me and my two bestest friends, even though I never ever get to see them. YoDA, HaBR, HiKR!
Me and my other BFF Rachel, being goofy at the beach. She hates this picture. I love it. Ha! |
My other BFF - my brother Dustin...This was Christmas last year. |
My super duper amazingly wonderful bestest friend, Brian. Actually one of our first pictures together. Awwwwww! |
My name is Denise and this is the home of my Photography 365 Project. Here you will find many photos and lots of words and hopefully something interesting. Feel free to leave comments and kind words whenever you wish. Thanks for stopping by!