I took this picture literally like 3 minutes ago. The state of our apartment is ...I don't even know what word to use there. It's just UGH...
Brian likes being a dork. And we've been using that desk chair as a coffee table for the time being. Yes. |
We've got all of Brian's stuff boxed up and moved into my place. That way, when we get the moving truck here, we can just move out of one location instead of two. It has its pros and cons. I mean it seemed like an excellent idea before we started. But then, after moving his boxes from his basement apartment and up to my 2nd floor apartment, I really began questioning our sanity.
But now that it's mostly all finished, I'm seeing what we were originally thinking. Plus, we got my ginormously heavy TV cabinet out of here and down to my parents' house while only breaking one door off in the process, so it's pretty much all downhill from here.
Have some fun photos from the weekend!
Ok, so I know I said weekend, but this one is from Wednesday night. We were invited to a Sioux Falls
Canaries Fighting Pheasants game by Amanda and Kyle so we attended the game and watched the Pheasants
kick butt lose miserably. Regardless, it was still a fun time. And we got ice cream in cute little SF hats.
And on Thursday we went to Dustin's region track meet. The boys got 2nd place, which is pretty superb, in my opinion, but they seemed really bummed about it. Maybe it's because the girls got 1st place and probably rubbed it in their faces...Who knows?
Dustin got 1st place in the pole vaulting. He and his teammate (the kid on the left) had a "jump off" because they had the exact same misses and heights (it makes sense, trust me.) It was pretty humorous to watch. the I-W boys swept the competition and took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the event. |
Hurdles. I hide behind my camera during this event because I'm too scared to watch it. I've seen far too many kids fall and it's not something I want to continue seeing, especially when my baby brother is involved. =P |
Dustin is competing in the state track meet on Friday in pole vaulting, 400 meter relay, and the 110 hurdles (what he's running in the above photo, obviously.) I am SUPER DUPER AWESOMELY EXCITED that I'll get to be there Friday to watch the prelims. Originally I thought I would miss it due to Ashley's rehearsal and dinner, but his events are all early so I get to go! I could not be more excited. =D
Speaking of Ashley's rehearsal and dinner...She's getting married in, like, *counts* 6 days! Holy cow...We've been counting down for hundreds of days now. Only 6 left! I also tried on my bridesmaid dress again, and it still fits. I wasn't sure, due to all the junk food and laziness I've been partaking in lately, so I had to give it a test before the big day. Ha!
Yesterday my cousin Tyler graduated from high school. And today my cousin Charissa graduates from high school. So yesterday they had a party at Tyler's house and we got a pretty wicked cool thunderstorm while we were there.
Yep, that happened. |
This was after/during the rain. This image is straight out of the camera. I can't believe how vivid that green is. Sooo pretty! |
DOUBLE RAINBOW!!! This was amazing. My camera got nice and wet in the process of getting this, but it was worth it. I wish I had a super wide angle lens so I could have captured the whole thing (things?) but this will do for now. |
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