And, finally, a recap of Sunday.
Our last day "out West." We got up early once again to enjoy some free breakfast. Brian had a waffle which I demolished by trying to get it out of the flip-over waffle maker thing. I'm not sure I've EVER successfully removed a waffle from them without wrecking it. Anywho...
Then we cleaned up the room and packed up and checked out. We wanted to spend some time in Deadwood because neither of us had really been there. It was Sunday and "off season" so there wasn't much going on. Lots of the shops were closed, but we still walked around the town and even talked to the lady at the information building and she gave us a nifty map and marked places we should go. Very nice lady.
Here's some photos:
Main Street: Deadwood, SD |
Brian was pretty interested in learning about Wild Bill. And learn we did. Sort of. |
Pretty scenery in this small town. |
We visited the graves of Wild Bill & Calamity Jane. |
Love this shot. It would be lovely to be buried here. So pretty, for a cemetery. |
Crazy place. |
By the time we left Deadwood it was lunch time. So on our way back home we stopped back in Rapid and got lunch at a place called Arnold's Diner. It was a cute 50's inspired place. REALLY good food, from what we could tell. Service was alright...Very laid-back. It kind of reminded me of Emily's.
Brian's humongous chicken fried steak sandwich. This was the real deal, too. None of that frozen & deep fried patty stuff. It was real meat in there. I tried a bit. Sooo good! |
My Triple BLT. It was ginormous! But extremely good! |
This one is funny. If you have ever eaten sammiches with me, you know that, for whatever reason, I rarely finish a whole one. For some reason I don't like having the "last bite" of anything. Especially sandwiches. Don't ask...I have no idea why. In addition to that, I'm always picking it apart and ripping off the crusts (specially on toasted stuff cuz if it's too crispy it hurts my mouth. anyone else?) So my plates always end up looking like this when I'm done. Even though I eat the majority of the sandwich, it makes it look like all I did was make a huge mess. But this BLT was amazing and I want another one RIGHT NOW. |
Name the bridge!! (and river!) |
There...Not very many photos for Sunday, but it was still an eventful day. Brian and I drove all the way to and from Rapid City and didn't break out the Mad Libs ONCE! I think that's pretty impressive. We made 3 mixed CD's to listen to on the way, full of songs we each chose separately so we could both listen to our kind of music. (He likes old hip hop. I like indie rock. The CD's are quite interesting...)
Also, I have to add here that tomorrow it's supposed to be 60+ degrees outside. I think my running shoes are going to be worn out by the end of the day. In that weather, I could run for DAYS! So excited. =)
AND, if any DSU students are reading this...Come hang out at Open Mic tomorrow night at 7:00 in the Underground! We'll be doing karaoke and you can sing/play/do anything you want. It's gonna be fun!
Loved reading your vacation adventure :) Great pictures too - I haven't been out west in the winter - very pretty!
ReplyDeleteThanks! =) Yeah, this was my first time being there in the winter. Most of the snow was melted/melting already, though. I'm not sure I would have liked being there with snow/ice on the roads anyway.