I have been awake for WAY too long for a Saturday (Got up at 7:00 this morning!! It's SATURDAY!!) Definitely ready for bed, but posting these real quick.
113/365: My sister got me this very cute wax warmer pot for Christmas. Finally picked up (FOUND) the little cubes of wax for it so I started it up yesterday and it is AMAZING! Not only is it really pretty, but it makes my apartment smell sooooo good! Love it!! |
112/365: One good thing about having to be up at 7:30 on weekdays, I get to see the sunrise through the trees. Definitely need to catch up on my sunrise viewings. I love sleeping through them WAY too much. |
111/365: One of those "late night, no shot" photos. Yep, it's the moon. |
AND in case anyone was wondering, the "Too Close" Tuesday photo is of.........
A puzzle. WOOOOO! Did anyone guess right?? Doesn't look like it. Hm. But yes...The photo is 4 corners of a puzzle put in place. Too difficult??
Hopefully next week's will be a bit easier.
There may be a longer, more update-ish post in the near future. Or not. You'll just have to keep checking back to see! Ha!
I would have never ever gotten the picture... they are all too hard for me.. I wish I had your artist eye! :)