Happy Saturday! I spent a good part of my morning coloring. Yes, coloring. I bought a 64 pack of crayons the other day, just for fun. So I got into my little kid mindset and scribbled like a 3 year old. Or something like that...
Anyway, yesterday was a sad day for me. It was my last day of work with the three crazy Canadians. (I always call them "crazy Canadians," even though, really, they're not all that crazy. I mean they are, but it's a good crazy. Just so you don't get the wrong idea.) They leave tomorrow to go to back to their home. I really wasn't expecting to like them as much as I did, or become such good friends with any of them. All three of them definitely made my summer WAY more fun than it would have been otherwise. Every day they had me laughing at work, even on the days when I was feeling sad. Each of them spent time listening to me and understanding some of the stuff I was going through. It was so nice to have them to talk to. Going to miss them a lot, but thankfully there's this thing called facebook, and that appears to be a great tool for keeping in touch with people. =)
So before we all left for the day, we spent some time taking silly pictures at the museum.
Because that's what girls do.
Abe is a cowboy. |
As you can see, we really like Lincoln around here.
Also, a few weekends ago I was at home and ended up shooting some senior photos for one of Dustin's friends. Here's a few of my favorites:
And on another, AWESOMER, note: Since tomorrow is my birthday, I will be starting another 365 Project. This time for real. I tried starting it back up after taking nearly a month off, but I just couldn't get back into it. So I need to start from the beginning again. I am SO EXCITED!! This will be updated much more often, as well.
Thanks for sticking with me, my friends. =)