It has been forever...Sorry for the delay. Sometimes days just keep going by and I don't even realize how many days I've missed on here until I look at my photo numbers and see that I'm behind by five.
Some good news: I have 18 followers! I think that's pretty dang awesome. (We say "pretty dang" sometimes, just to honor my nephew Landon. One time he said to Brian, "Hey, you're pretty dang tough!" and it was the cutest thing ever. Side note.)
This weekend/week has reminded me of why I love living here in SD. Since I've known Brian, I've been tempted to want to live in California. After visiting there five times now (I think it's five...I could be wrong, I've sort of lost track,) I've really realized why people sacrifice their sanity (because that many people gets crazy) and privacy (because it seems the houses are on top of each other) to live there. The weather is perfect ALL THE TIME. Great, right?
Here's why it's not so great, and why I love the midwest weather instead: Having long, frigid, ruthless winters and scorching, humid, sticky summers really makes us appreciate the rare good weather. If it was perfect all the time, I would probably forget to appreciate the outdoors. But this weekend it hit 30 degrees, and now all I want to do is be outside. Yesterday I was walking around outside in a T-Shirt, and it gave me a huge mood boost. My heater has been (mostly) off since Saturday and I've opened the balcony door for a "fresh air" boost every day. I don't hate walking to school anymore. And the best part: It's now warm enough to start running again!
See, those few gorgeous days in between the extremes really make it worth the miserable weather.
Just my thoughts this week. I'm not saying I'll never leave this crazy cycle of seasons, but for now I am really enjoying it. Photo time:
134/365: "The Big Thaw" ...Saturday was one excellently warm day (I think it hit like 34 or something. Heat wave!) so Brian and I went for our first run of the year. Sadly, it was still a bit too chilly to jump through this giant puddle. It was still a blast! |
Sunday's "game night" with K&A was a hit! We had lots of fun and ate some deeeelicious food. Played a few games we'd never played before and caught up with some old friends (Old, as in, haven't really talked to them in a few years. Though they are gettin' up there in age! Haha, Just kidding, guys!) It was so much fun to catch up and enjoy some good company. Definitely can't wait to get together with them again!
135/365: Quick shot of the dessert (dessert has two s's, because you want two helpings! Thanks Joni!) I made for Sunday's dinner. It was pretty good! I'm a sucker for super simple recipes, so this was perfect. Ha! |
And, of course, Monday was Valentine's Day. We never really "celebrate" the holiday, so I wasn't expecting any sort of gifts. I knew we'd go out for dinner and catch a movie, but aside from that I wasn't expecting anything. So I was pretty surprised when Brian came over with some flowers and chocolates for me. It was so cute. =)
136/365: Mmmm chocolates! These are delicious and there's only about 6 pieces left. Ha...Maybe chocolates wasn't the best idea. Or maybe it should be a "one per day" sort of thing. I just can't walk by a box of chocolates sitting on my table without eating one (or seven)....I might have a problem... |
Last night we went to Dustin's game in Dell Rapids. I drove, even! The good ol 'Exploder' started right up for us, after taking a few weeks off due to being frozen solid. It was pretty exciting. I do love that old crazy vehicle. Anyway, the game was pretty awesome. We won 86-65 or something. Dustin drained FIVE 3-pointers. He ended the night with 23 points total. Pretty excellent, I think. He's a superstar. Here's my favorite photo from the game:
137/365: Time-Out....We were sitting a few rows behind the bench so I tried to zoom in all cool and get fun huddle shots. This one was my favorite. |
And that brings us to today. Went for a walk this afternoon but wasn't feeling all too inspired to take any photos. Maybe tomorrow? I don't know. So I shot my pretty roses from Brian.
138/365: Pink and pretty. =) My boyfriend is the best. |
All caught up now! Well, not entirely. I did take a "Too Close" photo, but I'll save it for another date. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to it. It would be way too easy because it's very closely related (or exactly like) one of the photos posted here tonight. So in a few months I'll use it. Next week I'll pick back up with another TCT shot.
I think we're going for a run tomorrow morning/afternoon (most likely afternoon, we're not THAT dedicated) and then possibly going to another basketball game. Check back soon for a sweet project that I just finished up. If I forget about it, send me a message and remind me of the "sweet project"....I tend to forget some of the stuff I promise to do on here. Ha! Have a good one, friends.